Intuitive Reading
With empathy, compassion and no judgement, I'll connect with the flow of energy from your past, present and future. Painting a picture of what was, is and what could be. From relationships and career to love, family and finances.
Medium Reading
Connecting clairvoyantly, listening and feeling with all my senses. I'll bring forward your loved one's who've passed, their feelings and their personality, so that you're confident they're in the room with you.
Disclaimer: This service is for entertainment purposes only and is intended for use by adults 18 years of age or older. By using this service, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. We make no representations or warranties, either express or implied, concerning the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of information provided. We do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including, without limitation, physical, mental, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused with regard to any information and/or any suggestion(s) or advice provided to you through this service, or as a result of your use of this service. The readings provided are for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information given to you, including any actions you take, is down to your own personal responsibility and choice. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and/or to discontinue this service at any time. This service is not intended to address any medical, emotional, and/or legal issues. You should, therefore, consult a medical care, mental health care or legal professional for any physical, emotional and/or legal issues that need professional attention.
“I’m an open minded person but also incredibly skeptical as well. I’ve had many injuries from being an athlete my whole life and Carl named 90% of them immediately after sitting down, which blew me away. I’ve also had stomach inflammation for 3 years and his guide was quick to sense that within me, clear my energy and offer some practical advice. Carl is the real deal.” -Cole
"I wanted to thank you for your time and powerful energy healing work! You have a special gift. Your “diagnosis” was right on. I am extremely appreciative for you, your gift, and for taking the time to work on me." -Michael
"The session has shown me a way back to to me but I am also taking it all in. So many things occurred during the session, of which you witnessed, that was so reassuring. Thank you all, seen and unseen, for this reminder and adjustment. Nothing is the same. It’s not necessarily getting easier but it’s making sense and I am more at ease.
So Much ❤️ love" - Collette
"Thank you for the reading! You brought to my attention things that I was truly ignoring or unwilling to address. Further, you were spot on with my work and projects which helped me greatly with confirmation and next steps. You also brought up specific people in my life—even mentioning my brother by name and knowing how we interact. I appreciated you saying that “yes” and “no” answers are all you need because this solidified the notion that you had integrity in your work and trust in your abilities. Further, you spoke for the majority of the hour without me having to add anything. I’ve spent many dollars on psychics or mediums who will speak briefly and generally just to have me walk them through the rest of the reading going off of details I’ve divulged. You were the opposite. As a clairvoyant, I can’t help but gauge a readers ability, and yours is in elite caliber. Everything you said made sense including my living and future living situation—which no one knows about right now. Thank you so much for the reading and work that you do. I will return and will be referring friends and family to you." - Brandon K.
“Carl is a science-minded medium whose readings are both evidential and meaningful. He is among the most skilled, informed, and compassionate of the gifted mediums I have tested scientifically. ” - Gary E. Schwartz, PhD - Director, Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health - The University of Arizona
"Carl's innate ability for heightened human and spiritual connection is truly extraordinary. Couple that with his kindness and sensibility- you have a very powerful spiritual advisor. He is an earthly conduit for the living to connect with their past, present and future." -Alyssa S.
"Carl Buehl is one of the best psychic mediums I have ever experienced. Sitting with him is like sitting with a long lost friend. Carl always knows what to say and when to say it. I trust him and as a result, I feel comfortable and safe in his presence. Carl has a heart of gold and his intentions are pure. He's concise, accurate and wise. The messages that come through him enhance my personal healing and my connection with the Invisible World. Carl continues to blow me away and I'm grateful for the time I've spent with him! He's the best of the best and I highly recommend Carl to anyone who's looking for an experience that is life changing."
-Trina Watton
“Carl is a truly gifted psychic medium, encompassing a strong connection with spirit while working in a pure, authentic and genuine manner. He has a way of communicating your loved ones’ personality and message that leaves no doubt they are with you . Carl’s compassionate nature is clearly evident in his readings allowing you to relax and trust the information you are receiving. ” -Colby, Master Teacher LWISSD